
REGIONET Competitive – Go over your boundaries, explore new opportunities!

Strengthening the international competitiveness of SMEs through a bilateral system of regional entrepreneurial initiatives in the Austrian-Hungarian border region.

The ATHU007 - REGIONET Competitive project, implemented in INTERREG V-A Austria-Hungary Program, aims to support the international competitiveness of SMEs in the Austrian-Hungarian border region. This is to support the international business relationship of SMEs through the development of an integrated bilateral network and the creation of bilateral, innovation-promoting, sector-specific cooperation between SMEs. In the framework of the thematic work packages of the project, a framework for developing a quality and professional core element developed jointly by the development of regional entrepreneurial networks will be realized through the establishment of 4 bilateral economic development working groups; bilateral thematic training and training sessions, "business management" events and study tours, as well as international networking days and fairs; as well as bilateral, sector-specific entrepreneurial cooperation will be set up in four Austrian-Hungarian strategic sectors.

The project is implemented through the cooperation of 5 Hungarian and 5 Austrian partners:

  • Kisalföldi Vállalkozásfejlesztési Alapítvány
  • Regionalentwicklungsverein Römerland Carnuntum
  • Sopron Megyei Jogú Városi Kereskedelmi és Iparkamara
  • Regionalmanagement Burgenland GmbH
  • Kőszeg és Vidéke Vállalkozók Ipartestülete
  • Verein Gemeinsame Region Bucklige Welt – Wechselland
  • Vas Megyei Kereskedelmi és Iparkamara
  • Regions Entwicklungs- und Management Oststeiermark GmbH
  • Zala Megyei Vállalkozásfejlesztési Alapítvány
  • LAG Interessensgemeinschaft (IG) Kraftspendedörfer Joglland

Duration of the project: 30 months (01. 02. 2017. - 31. 07. 2019.) 

The purpose of the project:Strengthening entrepreneurship in the region, improving the performance of start-ups and improving the innovation capacity of SMEs, in particular by enhancing the international competitiveness of (internationally) competitive products through the bilateral system of regional entrepreneurial initiatives.

Strategic cooperation between bilateral economic development working groups, sector-specific, innovation-promoting co-operation, and entrepreneurial skills development and international business networking activities will lead to the strengthening of the competitiveness of border-country SMEs.

The professional partnership is based on the creation of long-lasting structures that support bilateral economic development and network development activities, while entrepreneurial skills and international business and networking activities are based on the joint expertise of the partnership and the development of some REGIONET good practices.
At the beginning of the project term, project partners will develop a 'Common REGIONET Cross Border SME Support Framework'.
Collaborations are based on the gradual development of entrepreneurial networks: At the regional level, the 13 AT and HU entrepreneurial networks strengthen the network structure by continuously involving at least 1 economic development organization and develop into a regional entrepreneurship initiative.  This creates a direct, permanent working relationship between the entrepreneurs and the economic development organization. This forms the basis for bilateral economic development, and in the immediate border regions 4 REGIONET Bilateral Economic Development Task Force is set up and builds strategic co-operations, which are framed in framework agreements.The establishment and strategic cooperation of the bilateral economic development working groups provide the structural framework for the permanent cross-border negotiation platform of economic development organizations and enterprises.

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